Collaborate on High-Impact Projects 

Connecting people and effective social-impact projects, to facilitate effective action and consolidate effective altruism efforts

*Notice: Impact Colabs is currently no longer actively maintained. You can freely browse the existing projects and volunteers without active matching scheme and project reviews. 

Looking to collaborate on a project with effective social impact?
Impact CoLabs is the platform built to consolidate efforts around effective altruism related projects.

Impact CoLabs is the platform for project owners to publish about their social impact projects and find collaborators, and for volunteers to find impactful projects to help. 

Got an impactful project? Submit your project by signing up to find volunteers and collaborators for your project.

Looking to Volunteer? you can browse existing projects and contact their owners (best). If you can't decide, you can sign up as a volunteer and a project owner may reach out to you.

*The site  is no not being actively maintained currently (no active match-making). Project owners can still post their projects, and volunteers should reach out directly to project owners. You may still email us if you need to change your listing.

Start Collaborating or Submit Your Project!

Latest Projects

Sneak peek of the latest projects needing of your potential help

Got a High-Impact Project?

Are you looking for people to assist you with your high impact project? Then you're in the right place! Submit your project to be added to the platform below

By filling out this form, we will post your project on the CoLabs board for volunteers to explore and, if you accept, match interested volunteers to take be introduced to your project for an intro call.
If you aren't currently looking for volunteers but wish to get the word out about your project feel free to add it here as well, just make sure to flag "not currently looking for volunteers" under the "help" field. 

Want to volunteer on high-impact projects?

Do you have an interest in helping effective altruism related projects? Do you have time to invest in collaborating on a project consistently, and want to contribute your skills? Then you're in the right place! 

You should browse currently available projects and contact their owners directly.

Otherwise register as a volunteer below to get matches and proposals for projects now or later.

How Does It Work?


Project owners submit projects, we review and post on the project board. 


Volunteers browse projects and can connect with project owners, or post availability on volunteers board.


Volunteers and Project Owners find each other on the boards, contact each other for introductory calls, and hopefully begin collaborating!

More Info


Anyone who wants to help, and can commit sufficient time to help a project, or partner as a collaborator on an early stage project, and ideally have relevant skills - then this is for you. Most projects has technological, research, or operational needs.


All high-impact projects are welcome. We base our principles on the Effective Altruism principles to review projects. Most projects would be international, most likely in relatively earlier stages, and often involving technology, but all high impact projects are welcome to submit.